
Sunday, September 21, 2003

A Month of Sundays 

Wouldn’t you love a month of Sundays? It’s my most favorite day of the week, even if my To Do list is a mile long or the weather is rotten. There’s something so soothing about having a velvety cappuccino sitting on the table next to me, and a chunky Philadelphia Inquirer sitting on my lap.

Droning in the background is the CBS Sunday Morning Show (which I’ve learned to Tivo now, so I can watch it when I want to watch it instead of when it wants to be watched), or “The Sounds of Sinatra” on the Sid Mark radio show.

On the best Sundays, the day has no structure – no place to be at a certain time, nobody to meet. I float from chore to chore, cheerfully crossing items off my list; I take special care with dinner (if I feel like it) and treat the dog to an extra two or three blocks (if he feels like it). I even like feeling a little lonely on a Sunday…but just a little.

The only problem with Sundays is that they end on Mondays. This link shows how time marches relentlessly: Industrious Clock (it may be slow to load, so be patient, which time is not).

Although it’s compellingly cool, don’t watch this clock for too long…especially if it’s Sunday. Just watch it long enough to grasp the concept of what a month of Sundays could be like.

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