
Monday, December 01, 2003

The Friday Five (Shopping) 

  1. Do you like to shop? Why or why not?

    • I like to shop when I don’t HAVE to, but I don’t like to shop when I HAVE to – too much pressure. I like to shop when I have lots of money, but I don’t like to shop when I am feeling less than flush. I like to shop for myself (especially when I am supposed to be shopping for others), but I don’t like to shop under pressure for others…especial those who are difficult to buy for.

  2. What was the last thing you purchased?

    • I was Christmas shopping yesterday and bought myself a pair of aerobics sneakers and three identical sweaters in three different colors. See...I LIKE to shop for myself, especially when I am supposed to be shopping for others, especially when everything is such a big bargain!

  3. Do you prefer shopping online or at an actual store? Why?

    • It depends on what I am shopping for. If I am looking for buy something technical or electronic, I prefer to shop online because it’s so much easier to look up reviews and compare prices. I also prefer to shop online for unusual items that can be difficult to find at local stores. However, when shopping for shoes or clothes I prefer to shop at an actual store. I cannot buy a pair of shoes online – they would never fit as I am way too picky about comfort. Also, when shopping for clothing I like to feel the fabrics, which you can’t do online. For me, buying shoes or clothing online is just too hit and miss – I end up spending too much shipping stuff back.

  4. Did you get an allowance as a child? How much was it?

    • I did, but I don’t have any recollection of how much it was. Not enough, most likely.

  5. What was the last thing you regret purchasing?

    • Since I almost always have buyer’s remorse immediately upon leaving the store, I would have to say that I regret buying the three identical sweaters in three different colors that I bought last night. It’s not that I don’t still like them (I do!), or that I won’t get a lot of use out of them (I will!). It’s just that, even though they were a real bargain, I always feel guilty if I buy something for myself when I supposed to be shopping for others. Sigh. I probably need a tune-up at the shrink’s.

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