Monday, January 03, 2005
Chia Shrek Journal, Day 3
I write instructions for a living, so of course I did not read my Chia Shrek instructions very well. When I went to sow my seeds yesterday I discovered that I was supposed to have soaked them for 24 hours to make a little paste prior to planting. So, I had to wait until today to plant. Here is the result of my seed sowing:
After the seeds were soaked overnight, they became a glutenous mixture. I tried using a spoon to stick the seeds to Chiashrex's head, but using my fingers worked best. I could not resist sticking a bit of seed in his ears and up one nostril. Can't wait to see how that grows!
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After the seeds were soaked overnight, they became a glutenous mixture. I tried using a spoon to stick the seeds to Chiashrex's head, but using my fingers worked best. I could not resist sticking a bit of seed in his ears and up one nostril. Can't wait to see how that grows!
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